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Kísérleti fizika II
Fizikai Optika
Elektrodinamika alapjai
Alkalmazott fizika laboratórium
Doktori, diploma és TDK témavezetés
Optikai adatátvitel és kapcsolás szabad térben
Diffraktív optikai technológia
Lézeres anyagmegmunkálás és méréstechnika
3D megjelenítés
Optikai és holografikus adattárolás
Optikai rendszerek modellezése
Kiemelt publikációk
- Örs Sepsi, Szilárd Pothorszky, Tuan Máté Nguyen, Dániel Zámbó, Ferenc Ujhelyi, Sándor Lenk, Pál Koppa, András Deák, Preparation and characterization of two-dimensional metallic nanoparticle and void films derived from a colloidal template layer, OPTICS EXPRESS 4:(2) pp. A424-A429. (2016)
- Örs Sepsi, Gál Tibor, Koppa Pál: Polarized light emitting diodes using silver nanoellipsoids, OPTICS EXPRESS 22: (S4) pp. A1190-A1196 (2014)
- Hericz D, Sarkadi T, Lucza V, Kovacs V, Koppa P: Investigation of a 3D head-mounted projection display using retro-reflective screen, OPTICS EXPRESS 22: (15) pp. 17823-17829 (2014)
- Tibor Gál, Sepsi Örs, Paul Medwick, Andrew Wagner, Pal Koppa: Modeling the optical properties of nanocomposite media using effective transfer matrices, APPLIED OPTICS (2004-) 53: (28) pp. 6598-6604 (2014)
- Sarkadi T, Koppa P: Improved data pages for an interference-based cryptosystem, APPLIED OPTICS (2004-) 53: (5) pp. 798-805 (2014)
- Sarkadi T, Koppa P: Quantitative security evaluation of optical encryption using hybrid phase- and amplitude-modulated keys, APPLIED OPTICS (2004-) 51: (6) pp. 745-750. (2012)
- Pál Koppa, Phase to amplitude data page conversion for holographic storage and optical encryption, Applied Optics , Vol. 46, No. 17 (10 June 2007 )
- Zsolt Nagy, Pál Koppa, Enrico Dietz, Sven Frohmann, Susanna Orlic, Emőke LőrinczModeling of multilayer microholographic data storage, Applied Optics , Vol. 46, Issue 5, pp. 753-761 (February 2007)
- Péter Várhegyi, Pál Koppa, Ferenc Ujhelyi, E. Lőrincz, System modeling and optimization of Fourier holographic memory, Applied Optics, , Vol. 44, Issue 15 Page 3024 (May 2005)
- Z. Göröcs, G. Erdei, T. Sarkadi, F. Ujhelyi, J. Reményi, P. Koppa and E. Lőrincz Hybrid multinary modulation using a phase modulating SLM and a low pass spatial filter, Optics Letters, Vol. 32, Issue 16, pp. 2336-2338 (August 2007)
- B. Gombkötő, P. Koppa, P. Maák, E. Lőrincz Application of the fast-Fourier-transform-based volume integral equation method to model volume diffraction in shift-multiplexed holographic data storage, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. (1,764), Vol. 23, No. 11 /November 2006/, pp. 2954-2960
- Remenyi J, Varhegyi P, Domjan L, Koppa P, Lorincz E, Amplitude, phase, and hybrid ternary modulation modes of a twisted-nematic liquid-crystal display at similar to 400 nm, APPLIED OPTICS 42:(17) pp. 3428-3434. (2003)