Fizika I. II. (német nyelven)
Mikro- és nanotechnológiák
Válogatott fejezetek a korszerű technológiákból
Alkalmazott fizika
Elektrolit kondenzátorok
Hidrogéntárolás fémekben
Most important Publications
M. Schülke, G. Kiss, H. Paulus, M. Lammers, V. Ramachandran, K. Sankaran, K-H. Müller
Investigations on hydrogen absorption and desorption processes of a TiMn2-based alloy, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008
M. Schülke, H. Paulus, M. Lammers, G. Kiss, F. Réti, K-H. Müller
Influence of surface contaminations on the hydrogen storage behaviour of metal hydride alloys, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, No.:390(6), p.1495-1505, 2008
Cs. Suba, K. Kovács, G. Kiss, Gy. Vida, M. Varga, N. Velich, L. Kovács, B. Kádár, Gy. Szabó
Study of the interaction between Ti based osteosynthesis plates and the human organism by XPS, SIMS and AES methods, Smart Materials and Structures, No.:16(1), p.100-105, 2006
N. Velich, B. Kádár, G. Kiss, K. Kovács, F. Réti, K. Szigeti, U. Garagiola, Gy. Szabó
Effect of human organism on the oxide layer formed on osteosynthesis titanium plates. A surface analytical study, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, No.:17(6), p.1144-1149, 2006
U. Lampe, E. Simon, R. Pohle, M. Fleischer, H. Meixner, H.-P. Frerichs, M. Lehmann, G. Kiss
GasFET for the detection of reducing gases, Sensors and Actuators B, No.:111-112, p.106-110, 2005
F. Réti, G. Kiss, I.V. Perczel
On the sensors in a subjective way, Sensors and Materials, No.:16(2), p.53-69, 2004
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