Associate professor
F III. basement
erdei.gabor (at)
+36 1 463 4206
Most important Publications
E. Lőrincz, G. Erdei, I. Péczeli, C. Steinbach, F. Ujhelyi and T. Bükki
“Modeling and optimization of scintillator array for PET detectors”, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2009.
Erdei G.
“Az optikai tervezés alapjai”, Előadás jegyzet és laborgyakorlat útmutató, p.1-76, 2009.
E. Lőrincz, G. Erdei, I. Péczeli, C. Steinbach, F. Ujhelyi and T. Bükki
“Light Output Analyzes of Scintillator Crystal Pins and Array for PET Detector Modules”, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) Conference Record, PID771060, 2008.
E. Lőrincz, P. Koppa, G. Erdei, A. Sütő, F. Ujhelyi, P. Várhegyi, P. S. Ramanujam, P. I. Richter
“Azobenzene Polyesters for Polarization Holographic Storage: Part II. Technology and System”, Ch. 7. in Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics, Vol. 2 Photonic Materials and Devices, ed. H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 1-58883-097-7, p.213-234, 2007.
Z. Göröcs, G. Erdei, T. Sarkadi, F. Ujhelyi, J. Reményi, P. Koppa and E. Lőrincz
“Hybrid multinary modulation using a phase modulating spatial light modulator and a low-pass spatial filter”, Optics Letters, No.:Vol. 32, No. 16, p.2336-2338, 2007.