F III. alagsor
barocsi.attila (at)
+36 1 463 1374
Tanszéki oktatási felelős
Optika (BSc), Fizikai optika (MSc),
Fizika 1-2 (BSc),
Fizika laboratóriumi gyakorlatok,
A biofizika alapjai (BSc)
Akuszto- és integrált optika
PC/104-alapú optikai mérőrendszerek
Környezettechnológiai (fitoremediációs) és növényfluoreszcens méréstechnika
Kiemelt publikációk
B Játékos, E Lőrincz, A Barócsi, G Erdei
Gamma-photon equivalent UV excitation of LYSO:Ce scintillator material
JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION 10: Paper P04007. 6 p. (2015)
Attila Barócsi
Intelligent, net or wireless enabled fluorosensors for high throughput monitoring of assorted crops
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 24:(2) Paper 025701. 14 p. (2013)
Buschmann C, Konanz S, Zhou M, Lenk S, Kocsányi L, Barócsi A
Excitation kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence during light-induced greening and establishment of photosynthetic activity of barley seedlings
PHOTOSYNTHETICA 51:(2) pp. 221-230. (2013)
Mihajlik Gábor, Maák Pál, Barócsi Attila
Simulation of light propagation in anisotropic, optically active and slightly inhomogeneous medium, concerning the acousto-optic interaction
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285:(9) pp. 2255-2265. (2012)
Mihajlik G, Maák P, Barócsi A, Richter P
Novel accurate computer algorithm for modeling light propagation and diffraction in inhomogeneous, anisotropic medium - Applied to the acousto-optic interaction
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 282:(10) pp. 1961-1968. (2009)