Contact us

Head of the Department:

Dr. Pál Koppa professor,
e-mail: koppa.pal (at)

Cím: BME Department of Atomic Physics
  1111 Budapest, Budafoki út. 8.
Tel: (+36-1) 463-4193

(+36-1) 463-4194  (Head of the Department)

(+36-1) 463-4194  (Optics Laboratory)

(+36-1) 463-4357 (Material Science Laboratory)


Head of the Material Science Laboratory:
Gábor Kiss  associate professor 
e-mail cím: kiss.gabor (at)

Cím: BME Department of Atomic Physics
  1111 Budapest, Budafoki road 8. F III.building mezzanine-floor 46. (material science laboratory)
Tel: (+36-1) 463-4208

Head of the Optics Laboratory:

Attila Barócsi associate professor 
e-mail cím:  barocsi.attila (at)

Cím: BME Department of Atomic Physics
  1111 Budapest, Budafoki road 8. F III.building basement 3. (optics laboratory)
Tel: (+36-1) 463-1374


Departmental secretariat:

Violetta Tóth 
council administrator
e-mail cím: toth.violetta (at)

Cím: BME Department of Atomic Physics
  1111 Budapest, Budafoki road 8. F III.building mezzanine-floor 44. (secretariat)
Tel: (+36-1) 463-4193